Danny Grayson and Charles Ottesen have done it again! Our two club Helpers and USCA Teaching Helpers were invited to come to Greater Houston Schutzhund Club for a Helper Seminar. It was great fun and there were many helpers and handlers for the event.
Overall we now have three new Basic Helpers and more Helpers still working toward Basic. Each of the guys who went through the evaluation have a great story.
It is always nice to meet new people at these events but this time was a first, Walter Wengert from Germany came to particulate in the event along with his wife Resa also enjoyed the crowd and dogs!
The new forming club Louisiana IPO Club in Ponchatoula came and brought helpers to get the club ready for their upcoming affiliation trial. Ed Sanders worked hard and achieved Basic.
Then James Reyes who has been a friend for many years, who is always at events, quietly watching and helping with anything also participated and achieved Basic too! I know he will be welcome at training with Greater Houston!